Sunday, May 24, 2020

Physical Facilities And Equipment

      The other challenge to teach physical and health education at school is the physical facilities and equipment that we have in school. We need infrastructure facilities and equipment while doing physical activity.If the teachers or school don't have facilities, it is hard to teach this subject at school. For example there are so many school that have problem to get a large field to handle a game during they want to teach physical education or training sports. This happen due to high real estate value that causes the area of the school narrow. So, because of this problem, there are so many game that occur in a same time at field that can harmful to the student, like training hockey, softball and football during the physical education at field. This is very dangerous to all students because too many activities happen in a same time with the number of teacher are limited.
     The problem of  equipment also another issue that happen in a rural area. Some of the equipment not enough. The budget to buy a sport equipment are  used for school development infrastructure. Consequences of this,student have to use the old equipment that dangerous to them to use it. So, the responsibility of teachers are very importance here. They must know how to use their own creativity to interest their students.         
This pictures are example of physical facilities

      According to Shulman(1987), teachers need to master the core of knowledge especially science to teach effectively in the field of students at school. This is very important because the main goal of teaching of teachers in school is to do the best teaching and learning process that can motivated students while they are study physical and health education at school. Teaching students without any facilities and equipment are same as teaching them the other subject without any books.  A co-curriculum is being formed depends of the facilities that the school have. The student will be active if the equipment are enough to them(Muhd Sofian, 2006). So, later if the school does not have equipment teacher must creative to do their teaching and learning work with efficiently. 

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